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Happy Clients


My son has been with Lauren for 2 years and in that time he has flourished. I felt I might never find a place for him where he could be himself and learn in his own style but then I found Lauren and Achievers Academy and our lives changed.


Lauren is a phenomenal Teacher who has her own unique style of teaching and accommodating each child and their individual needs. She is loving and nurturing and there is no denying that the kids love back.


While there is lots of fun and laughter, Lauren has a way of getting the kids full attention and gets them working to their full potential.


I love that she incorporated fun fridays teaching the kids cooking which is such a great life skill to have.


Listening in on some of the online classes during lockdown, I could hear the love and laughter and effort put into each lesson to make it as fun and as normal as possible, in a not so normal time. When a lot of people were throwing in the towel, Lauren gathered her group of kids, put them under her wing and guided them everyday to bring them safely and happily to the end of 2020

Sasha Raubenheimer

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